
Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Squirrel's Nut Cache - 4/14/2011

The Nut Cache - a collection of recent things I found interesting, or amusing, or nutworthy.

I always kinda wonder about people who pretend to be police officers. I have to ask if it is an ego thing? Or if it is some bid for money? Is it part of some bigger conspiracy? Or is it just the free back rubs?

Most criminals are cowards. Actually, I think a good case could be made that all criminals are cowards. If not cowards, they're certainly lazy. They are, after all, trying to get something for nothing. I wonder how this punk is going to do in jail when he explains that his robbery got foiled by, and he himself was captured by, a one-legged man...

There are a lot of weird headlines every day. I usually have my pick for the half-dozen or so articles I pick for the Nut Cache each week. There are robberies gone bad, strange occurances, all sorts of things. But it is very rare, indeed, when you come upon a headline like "Naked Man Shoots Police Robot". Yup, that's just plain odd...

April 2 is a big day in Hamilton, Ohio. It is the day of the Mid-American Soccer Classic. More than 5000 visitors attend the event each year. In an effort to move some many people in and out of the area, local police cover some stop signs and turn some streets, that are not normally, into through streets. Unfortunately, it seems that someone forgot to tell the traffic cameras... which issued $86,000 in fines that day - fines which had to be waved. Oops.

I really don't know who the bigger victim of this prank is. Is it General Electric or the Associated Press? It seems that a group, who call themselves the "Yes Men", released a phony General Electric press release that said that General Electric would be donating the $3.2 billion tax refund they received this year back to the United States Government. The Associated Press then ran with the story without fact-checking it. News organizations used to always check their sources. Legend has it that there was once a sign in the newsroom at the New York Times that said, "If your mother says she loves you, check it out!" Those days are long gone, it seems. I think the joke is on the AP.

You know, if more legeslative bodies spent more time doing things like this instead of thinking up new ways to control our lives and impinge upon our freedoms, life would be a whole lot better.

Because this took place at a nominally Roman Catholic educational institution, it caused quite a stink. If it had happened at your average secular college or university, there would be no outcry about it. In fact, it'd likely be the most popular class on campus...

It seems that I'm not alone in finding a soporific effect in President Obama's speeches...

Okay, Kids! Keep those Nuts and letters coming!

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