
Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Squirrel's Nut Cache - 3/24/2011

The Nut Cache - a collection of recent things I found interesting, or amusing, or nutworthy.

The desire to be more self-sufficient comes to all of us, from time to time. We think of things like putting up solar panels and windmills to generate our own electricity. We contemplate planting a vegetable garden. For many of us, such things never gets beyond the idea phase. But there are some who carry through with their ideas. People like Steven Steel of Toledo, Ohio, who raises chickens for meat and eggs, keeps bees for honey, and makes his own maple syrup from sap he harvests from the tree in front of his house. Problem was that the maple tree belonged to the city... Oops... (Oh, yeah, and Mr. Steel is a City Councilman.)

Utah -- State Animal: Rocky Mountain Elk, State Bird: California Seagull, State Cooking Pot: Dutch Oven, State Emblem: Beehive, State Fish: Bonneville Cutthroat Trout, State Flower: Sego Lily, State Folk Dance: Square Dance, State Tree: Blue Spruce, State Insect: Honey Bee, State Fossil: Allosaurus, State Firearm: The Colt M1911 pistol. Gotta love a state that has an official state firearm...

Economic times are tough right now, and, like everything else, donations to churches have been impacted. However, I don't think the fundraising method adopted by Pastor John Goodman of Houston Unity Baptist Church was a good idea. It seems he demanded that every church member give their tax refunds to the church, and, when they refused, the pastor withheld Communion. There's no word yet on the formation of a pulpit committee at this time...

On Sunday, March 13th, while worshiping at Grace Community Church, I heard John MacArthur say, "Drawing a crowd is easy; just give away money..." I don't know how to say this, but somebody needs to tell Pastor Moore of Lindenwald Baptist Church in Hamilton, Ohio, that John wasn't recommending giving away money... Oh, wait... this is the second year that Lindenwald Baptist has done the cash giveaway... Um, hey, Pastor Moore... As long as you're giving away money... Pastor Goodman down in Houston is having a fundraiser...

Here's a nutty little something from the Rodent Uprising! (HT: Fred Butler)

It seems that standards for county officials are quite low in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Why, it turns out that there's even one guy at the county courthouse, earning $64,000-per-year, who doesn't even know what a photocopier is! Even more troubling, it seems that his lawyer wasn't quite sure what a photocopier was, either. I wonder if they were educated by good union teachers? I'm betting every homeschooled kid would be able to identify a photocopier!

I am not a lawyer, but here's some free legal advice that I doubt any lawyer I know would argue with: Don't show up to your DUI hearing drunk. And don't show up carrying a bag with 4 cans of beer in it. Just sayin'...

I got my first First Aid/CPR card when I was eight years old, and I've been a First Aid/CPR instructor for about 10 years now. I just read this article, and now I'm wondering if I need to add another unit to my next class...

It seems sometimes as if truer words were never penned...
Yes, thou shalt know, spite of thy past Distress,
And all those Ills which thou so long hast mourn'd;
Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd,
Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd.
(from The Mourning Bride, William Congreve, 1697)

And the Nuttiness goes on and on...

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