
Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Squirrel's Nut Cache - 2/19/2011

A Saturday Nut Special!

The Nut Cache - a collection of recent things I found interesting, or amusing, or nutworthy.

Last Monday was Valentine's Day. It seems that Valentine's Day is also known as "Singleness Awareness Day" because such a couples-focused day brings to sharp focus those who are not romantically involved at the moment. Some who are not romantically involved harbor ill-will towards people of past romantic interest. So, what better for the non-romantically involved to do on Valentine's Day but take a class on Voodoo dolls? It reminds me of this beer ad from a few years back...

Vampires! Vampires everywhere! It seems that teen girls can't get enough of vampires. A 15-year-old Florida girl was forced to recant her story of being attacked while jogging when no evidence of an attack was found where she said it had occurred. Turns out she'd be engaged in "vampire-based fantasy biting" with a 19-year-old boy, and made up the story of the attack in order to explain the bite-marks to her mom. Now she's been charged with making a false report to deputies. That's gotta bite...

Okay, one more time: In this age of internet social sites, be careful what you put on line. A government official in England tweeted on Twitter about being hungover at work. Her tweet got picked up by the press and quoted in the newspapers. She sued, claiming violation of "a reasonable right to expect privacy" on Twitter. Really? Yeah, the court said that Twitter messages are not private. So, be careful of what you tweet!

Okay, folks, really, there are some things you just do not report to the cops!

Times are not good in Detroit. Unemployment is high, the economy is in the tank, and people need something to help bring a sense of community pride back to the Motor City. Something like a statue to the hero of a dystopian film from the 1980's set in the Detroit of Tomorrow. That's right, the want a statue of RoboCop erected across from the abandoned and vacant Michigan Central Station. (Detroit has lost half it's population since the 1950's) Well, if Philly can have Rocky, then Detroit can have RoboCop, I say!

It seems that an art form, popular in the Victorian era, is gaining new converts in New York City. In face, a recent class at a local art gallery sold out in four hours at $45 per student. The art form is known as "anthropomorphic taxidermy". Yes, taxidermy. Specifically, anthropomorphic taxidermy dresses stuffed rodents in clothes and arranges them into scenes from everyday life. Taxidermy as art? Somewhere there's a vindicated red-neck laughing...

Fans of mysteries, both real and fictional, know that there are really only three motives for murder: passion, money, or to cover-up a crime. A Chicago-area 16-year-old burglar is already a cold and calculating killer. During a recent break in, according to the police report, he looked at the fish tank and told his accomplices, "We can’t leave any witnesses," and proceeded to poison the three goldfish with hot sauce. The boy is charged with residential burglary and cruelty to animals. Dude, really? I don't think the fish were gonna talk, y'know? (For some reason, I suspect there may have been drugs involved...)

And the Nuttiness goes on and on...

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