
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Thank You All!

The goal has been met! Today at church, the church treasurer informed me that, in the last week, checks totaling $500 had come into the church earmarked for the pastor's conference fund. The Superior Baptist Church Pastor's Conference Fund has received a grand total of $1208!

Well, you did it, and I am so very, very grateful! This puts me way over the top, exceeding my fundraising goal of $1000 and covering the entire cost of the trip to the 2011 Shepherds' Conference. I can't tell you how much this means to me! I will, of course, do daily blog posts from the conference (with pictures), although I don't think I'm talented enough to live-blog it.

I also want to meet as many SquirrelFans as might be attending. So, if you read A Squirrel in Babylon and you are going to be at the Shepherds' Conference, let me know.

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