
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Busy! Busy! Busy!

As you've no doubt noticed, I've not done much blogging this week... or last week, either, for that matter. Anyway, I've been busy. It happens. There's no Nut Cache again this week. In fact, I don't have a recipe ready for tomorrow's blog, so there will be no The Squirrel Can Cook this week. (I'm cooking a great hashbrown casserole for my hosts in Oregon... I'll blog that recipe sometime soon!)(Especially if they like it...)

Today, I'm driving to Newberg, OR, to meet up with some friends, hang out all day Friday, and then go watch James White debate Robert Sungenis on the topic of purgatory at the Believer's Reason Conference 2010. Then it's into the car right as the debate ends, drive all night to get to home, nap a few hours, and then drive to Missoula to watch my Montana Grizzlies play Northern Arizona University on Saturday.

I hope to return to a more normal bloggy schedule next week.

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