
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Help Send Squirrel To The 2011 Shepherds' Conference

I hesitated to blog about this, but a friend of mine told me that people can’t help when they don’t know what the needs are.

The church I serve as pastor is very small, and for most of my time as pastor I have been bi-vocational, working an outside job to help pay the bills. Unfortunately, recent economic conditions have affected things around here, as they have everywhere, and I have not had work outside the church in almost a year now. We are getting by, and all the bills are current, but most (all!) “extras” have been severely curtailed.

I have long desired to attend the Shepherds’ Conference at John MacArthur’s church, and so I am asking for your help. My church as set up a pastor’s conference fund, and I need to raise $1000 in order to attend the conference next March.

If you would like to help, please send your check to:
Superior Baptist Church
Pastor’s Conference Fund
PO Box 850
Superior, MT 59872

Thank you, and I’ll keep you updated!

Update #1

People have asked if they could donate with PayPal. There is now a PayPal button on the sidebar.

Also, several folks have asked “Why so much to go to a conference?” Good question, and here’s the breakdown:
  • Conference – $300
  • Fuel down and back – $300
  • 5 nights hotel – $400
  • 9 days food ($20/day) –$180
  • Total est. cost = $1180.00
(This assumes that I sleep in my car on the two-day drive down and the two-day drive back.)

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