
Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Squirrel's Nut Cache - 6/3/2010

The Nut Cache - a collection of recent things I found interesting, or amusing, or nutworthy.

"Swiss federal law states that public nudity is not a crime." That's as may be, but the people of the Swiss canton of Appenzell don't much care for naked people hiking around their mountains. Can't say I'd care too much for that myself. Well, they outlawed it, but now the courts have said that naked hiking is okay. Is it bad of me to wish them bad weather?

Born in the same hospital on the same day, Steven and Amy grew up going to the same school and church. They started dating in high school. Now they're getting married. I congratulate them and wish them all the best. And, while Steven will probably never forget Amy's birthday, I'm betting he'll still forget their anniversary...

It's easy to get stung on Wall Street. Most people might expect to encounter swarms of money-hungry investment bankers and stock brokers. But, it was Memorial Day, and the banks and brokerage houses were all closed. No, there were no swarms of bankers and stock brokers, but there was a swarm of bees that congregated in the doorway of an Italian restaurant. Hey, who doesn't like Italian...

Some rocks are, well, cheaper then dirt. Other rocks are more costly. And the value of a few very rare rocks is out of this world. The rarest rocks in the world are not diamonds or rubies, they are moon rocks. All together, Apollo astronauts brought 842 pounds of moon rocks to earth. Most of those rocks are still locked away at NASA facilities and are reserved for scientific study, but some 200 samples were mounted for display and presented to state governments and friendly foreign governments. Some of those display rocks, valued in the millions of dollars, have gone missing.

On Tuesday, Dr. Al Mohler discussed children who fail to grow up and become responsible. Indeed, we see more and more young "adults" who still live with their parents long after they should be supporting themselves. One of the biggest problems with still living with Mom when you're 32 is that she might just take away your beer...

It has puzzled experts for years. It is argued over from beer halls to halls of higher learning. It is a question that philosophers continue to argue over today. It's an age old question that really doesn't have a satisfactory answer, "How else is a groundhog supposed to get to Walmart anyway?"

And the Nuttiness goes on and on...

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