
Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Squirrel's Nut Cache - 7/2/09

The Nut Cache - a collection of recent things I found interesting, or amusing, or nutworthy.

I've sometimes found myself in some really weird conversations. Sometimes, I've even found myself talking about stuff like particle physics or quantum mechanics. Sometimes, strange conversations can become heated, so, really, I can see how this could happen. Really. But the fellow was acquitted. "Deputy District Attorney Sharon Cho said the jury that acquitted Keller of assault and battery charges couldn't sort out the conflicting statements of prosecution witnesses." Guess they should have had impaneled a jury of physicists... (ht-Phil Johnson)

One of the finest, most wonderful, most caring, sweetest people I know just turned 103 years old! She happens to be my daughter's maternal great-grandmother (not great-great, as the newspaper reported.) Every time I see her, she always says, "Oh, I've been praying for you." And I just know that she really has been. She loves God, her family, her church, and everyone that she meets. A sweeter, more Godly woman you may never find. (Take the time to watch the video that the Missoulan posted with the article, it's worth it!)
Happy Birthday, Grandma Lizzy!

I'm old enough to remember when they first came out. Oh, Man! Were they ever neat! And they were so small! You could take them everywhere! I'm remembering The Walkman, the first "personal sterio." Oh, sure, we've all got iPods and Zunes and the like now, but there was something special about those old Walkman cassette players. Well, the BBC got a 13-year-old Brit boy got to trade his iPod for a Walkman for a week. Read his impressions of Rockin' Out, 80's style here.

"No, Officer, it wasn't me! There must be some other naked dude wandering around." OK, the arrest of a naked guy at a state campground might make the police blotter. But the fact that the naked guy is the former mayor of Gainesville, GA? Oh, yeah, that'll make the papers! Here, and here, and here. Wonder if this will help him or hurt him if he runs for elected office again? Hard to say.

All I really want to know is, did this lady have a "Proud Parent of an Honor Student" bumper sticker on her car? Was she motivated by trying to get her kid into a better college? Did the kid know about what was going on? (She'd almost have to, wouldn't she?) This reminds me a bit of the "Cheerleader Mom" case a few years back, but without the violence.

Last, and probably least, too, is this story from Portland, Maine. "Man allegedly tries to run down wife, but crashes," with a dump truck, no less! According to the story, "The Portland Press Herald said a 40-year-old man and his wife had been drinking." Well, I'm shocked! How about you?

That's the Nut Cache for this week!

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