
Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Squirrel's Nut Cache - 7/9/09

The Nut Cache - a collection of recent things I found interesting, or amusing, or nutworthy.

Happy 500th Birthday, John Calvin! Take some time this morning to read this article at Tom Ascol's blog. I think I'll celebrate by having a blueberry muffin for breakfast, instead of toast. I know, any excuse for a party... (Calvin's actual birthday is July 10th)

Well, you may have noticed the new item in my sidebar. Wait! Wait! Don't say, "Pffft!" just yet! Let me explain! Phil Johnson, James White, Al Mohler, Tom Ascol and others have convinced me that John Calvin & Charles Spurgeon would have used Twitter... Really...

How's this for a reality game show? "Penitents Compete will bring together an Islamic imam, a Jewish rabbi, a Buddhist monk and a Greek Orthodox priest seeking to convert the atheists." Religions compete for converts! On TV! As entertainment! Anyone who converts to one of the competing religions wins a trip to their chosen faith's holy sights. I'm sorry to see Christianity represented by a Greek Orthodox, but at least they didn't get Rick Warren...

5 days late, and an outfit short. Seems a Connecticut man showed up for his appointment at his dentist office sans clothing. To make it worse, he was late for his appointment, 5 days late. Is it just me, or are there really more naked people news stories lately? Reminds me, I need to do some laundry today...

Alcohol makes you do stupid things. Really. Here's an example. Fact- driving while drunk is dangerous and illegal. Fact- stealing anything, including tractors, is wrong and illegal. Fact- Police cars are faster then tractors. Stupid thing? Thinking you can outrun the police in a stolen tractor while intoxicated. The smart thing to do would have been to call a friend, or a cab, or walk, or just about anything else...

I can't get away from the Michael Jackson madness. It seems that the Family Christian Center in Munster, Indiana, is preparing 500 dancers to perform the dance from Thriller. Pastor John Ponder said, "We believe (Jackson) was a saved man." Really? Based on what, exactly? Funny, about 10 minutes at the church's website, and I couldn't find a statement of faith...

Well, that's the Nut Cache for this week!

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